Friday, February 3, 2012

The Start of Something New

I've always enjoyed reading other people's blogs so I decided it was time to attempt my own. Now I can't promise that it will be interesting or that I will keep it up daily, but I'm going to do the very best I can. I figure if for no other reason, it's a good way to get things out of my head... sometimes it gets crowded up there with so many thoughts, tasks, plans, recipes, etc.

So here goes:

I have been reading a new book, "Ketchup is a Vegetable and Other Lies Moms Tell Themselves" that I got from my cousin for Christmas. It is a hilarious take on the insights into motherhood. I highly recommend it for any mom!

My favorite part in the entire book so far is when she discusses her breastfeeding struggles. They are extremely similar to what I experienced breastfeeding my new baby for the first 5 weeks. It especially hit close to home when she relates to nursing her baby as attempting to nurse a grizzly bear.... I know the feeling all too well. Breastfeeding really isn't all its cracked up to be. Thus the reason I have been exclusively pumping for he past 6 weeks. My baby loves his bottle and hates his mommy's breasts. Oh well. At least he is still getting the benefit of breast milk and I have the benefit of actually enjoying feeding my little man without crying and cringing from pain. My goal was to feed him breast milk exclusively until he was 3 months and then see how much longer I can make it pumping exclusively. Well, he turns 3 months tomorrow and even though I've had mastitis twice, I'm still going strong pumping and I've got a freezer full of stored milk. So I already consider it a victory and any amount of time I can continue to pump after tomorrow is just a bonus! But I will say my next mini goal is to make it until he is 4 months... we shall see how that goes. Some days I'm ready to quit because I feel like I have no time to myself between pumping, feeding baby boy, feeding myself, feeding my dog, cooking dinner, doing dishes, washing bottles/pumping equipment, entertaining my baby, entertaining my dog.... but I'm slowly starting to get the hang of it... I think, rather, I hope (case and point, I did start a blog so I must have a little extra time on my hands now). Only time will tell.

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