Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"He looks just like you!"

Like any new parent, my husband and I have gotten that comment a lot with our son... sometimes people say it to me, and sometimes to my husband. The general consensus is that our baby has my husbands eyes and my nose and lips. But we still weren't convinced. Personally, I think he's a good blend of both of us, but its still hard to tell at this age who he is going to look more like. So I got busy looking through some of our baby pictures to compare. The verdict: our baby definitely has my nose... everything else, well, see for yourself....

Example #1: 
Picture on Top: me and my Nanny
Pics on Bottom: my Baby 
Resemblances: crazy hair, nose, scrunched brows, shape of head 

Example #2:      
Pic on the Top: My Husband
Pics on Bottom: My Baby
Resemblances: Isn't it obvious... hello cubby chin!!! and perhaps the eyes too (and of course the bath towel but that doesn't really count) 

Example #3:
Pic on Left: My Husband
Pic on Right: My Baby
Resemblances: Eyes, chubby cheeks :)

I can't wait to see how our baby continues to change and grow!!!! 


  1. OMG those pics are insane how similar they are! Madison looks like Ryan in EVERY picture, I am never going to win that battle!

    1. Haha, no I can definitely see parts of you in Madison too :)
