Monday, February 13, 2012

3 Months Ago Yesterday...

My sweet baby boy was born!

Birth Day
I can't believe its already been 3 months! It was a tiring and difficult start figuring out this whole parenting thing.... from the extremely long labor process (over 30 hours), to a week in the hospital secondary to my baby's jaundice and my complications with preeclampsia/protein urea post-delivery, to the struggles with breastfeeding with two cases of mastitis, and of course, sleep deprivation. But once I figured out my baby and I were MUCH happier with bottle vs. breast, and pumping vs. nursing, a weight was lifted and I was able to enjoy being a mom so much more! Now I have mastered pumping (been going strong for 2 months and today met my goal of making it to at least his 3 month mark) and my baby is growing, thriving and sleeping through the night (anywhere from 5-8 hours a night)! He smiles constantly and melts my heart every time! He is such a happy baby and really only cries or fusses when he's hungry, tired, or when he needs his diaper changed. He is much more alert now and loves to go on tours of the house. We try to point out what everything is and he really looks and follows your finger like he knows what we are saying. He found his hands last week and loves to chew and suck on them. He found his knees today, so I'm sure it won't be long before he finds his little piggies!

Me & My Baby
at 3 Months 

My Husband and Baby
at 3 Months

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he is 3 months old! Time flies! He is too cute! LOVE that you're blogging!!!
